Gergel T & Owen G. Fluctuating capacity and advance decision-making in Bipolar Affective Disorder International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Andersch N.& Cutting J. Ernest Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and its impact on the theory of psychopathology. History of Psychiatry, June 2014 vol.25 no.2 203-223
Broome M.R., Fusar-Poli F. and Wuyts P. Conceptual and Ethical issues in the Prodromal Phase of Psychosis. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Eds Fulford, Davies, Gipps, Sadler, Stanghellini and Thornton, OUP
Broome M.R. Jaspers and Neuroscience. One Century of Karl Jasper's General Psychopathology. Eds Stanghellini & Fuchs OUP
Stanghellini G. & Broome M.R. Psychopathology as the basic science of psychiatry. British Journal of Psychiatry 205, 169-170
Broome M.R., Harland R., Owen G., Stringaris A. (eds) The Maudsley Reader in Phenomenological Psychiatry (CUP)
Kanaan R.A.A. Do placebos cause their effects and does it matter? AJOB Neuroscience 4(3) 35-26
Kanaan R.A.A. The Means and Ends of Munchausen's disease, Personality and Mental Health 7(1) 84-85 Epub 25Jan2013
Owen G., Freyenhagen F., Hotopf M., & Martin W. Temporal inabilities and decision-making capacity in depression. Phenomenology & the Cognitive Sciences
Radcliffe M., Broome M.R., Smith B. & Bowden H. A Bad Case of the Flu? The Comparative Phenomenology of Depression and Somatic Illness. Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8) 198-218
Kanaan R.A.A. Functional or Feigned: a neurolical dilemma. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation 12(3) 15-16
Kanaan R.A.A., Owen G., Spencer B., The Legal and Ethical Framework for Psychiatry. 40(12) 666-667
Kanaan R.A.A., Armstrong D., Owen G. The Function of 'Functional': a mixed methods investigation. Journal of neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Mar 83(3), 248-50 Epub 2012 Jan 16
Kirschner K.L., Smith G.R., Antiel R.M., Lorish P., Frost F., Kanaan R.A.A. "Why can't I move, Doc?" Ethical Dilemmas in Treating Conversion Disorders, PM&R, 4(4) 296-303
Papoulias C & Callard F. The rehabilitation of the drive in neuropsychoanalysis: from sexuality to self preservation. In Freuds Referenzen (eds. G Sharbert & G. Kirchhoff). Berlin: Kadmos.
Radcliffe M.& Broome M.R. Existential phenomenology, psychiatric illness and the death of possibilities. The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism (2012). Ed. S.Crowell
Wilson S. Sentiment or Reason? Can research on offenders tell us? Commentary on "Psychopathology, Neuroscience, and Moral Theory," Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 18: 365-366.
Owen, G. Interviewed on "Am I Really Free?" BBC Radio 4, 22 December 2011
Broome M, Dale J, Marriott C, Merino C, Betrolotti L. Neuroscience, continua and prodromal phase of psychosis. In Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, McGuire PK, editors. Vulnerability to Psychosis: from psychopathology to neurosciences. London: Routledge, 1-22.
Callard F & Marguiles DS. The subject at rest: novel conceptualization of self and brain from neuroscience's of the 'resting state.' Subjectivity 4(3): 227-257 [special issue on "Neuroscience and Subjectivity"]
Exworthy T., Wilson S., Forrester A. Beyond Equivalence: Prisoners' Right to Health. The Psychiatrist 35: 201-202
Hurlow J, McCabe JH. Paradoxes in Creativity and Psyhiatric Conditions. In Kapur N, Pascual-Leone A, Ramachandran V (Eds.) The Paradoxical Brain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
James D, Wilson S, Fazel S, Shaw J, Gunn J, et al. The Dangers of a Privatized NHS. The Times 13th October 2011
Wilson S, James D, Forrester A. The medium-secure project and criminal justice metal health. The Lancet 378: 110-111.
Linklater A. Review: Books for Giving: Psychology, The Observer 3rd December 2011.
Linklater A. Review of What is Madness? by Darian Leader, The Observer 8th October 2011
Linklater A. Review of The Genius in the Basement: A Happy Man by Alexander Masters, The Observer 27th August 2011.
Linklater A. Review of An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness by Kay Redfield Jamison, The Observer 13th August 2011.
Linklater A. Review of Incognito: The Secret Life of the Brain by David Eagleman, The Observer 23rd April 2011.
Linklater A. Review of Henry's Demons: Living with Schizophrenia, a Father and Son's Story by Patrick and Henry Cockburn, The Observer 19th February 2011.
Linklater A. Review of The Emporer of all Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Observer 22nd January 2011.
Selesnick S.A.& Owen G., Quantum-like logics and schizophrenia. Journal of Applied Logic 10,1 115-126
Steiner, Harland Experimenting with groups in a locked psychiatric ward. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 25(1) 16-27
RAA Kanaan, Disbelief and Self-Deception in Conversion Disorder, American Journal of BioEthics Neuroscience, 1(1): W1-W2.
RAA Kanaan, PK McGuire, Methodological & Conceptual Challenges for Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Philosophy, Psychology & Psychiatry (in press)
RAA Kanaan, SC Wessely, The Origins of Factitious Disorder, History of the Human Sciences, 23(2), 68-85.
RAA Kanaan, Hysteria & the Varieties of Deception, American Journal of BioEthics Neuroscience 2010, 1(1), 55-64.
Bortolotti, L., Cox R., Broome M. & Mameli M. (in press). Rationality and self-knowledge in delusions and confabulations: Implications for autonomy as self-governance. In Autonomy and Mental Health. (ed. L. Radoilska). Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Ratcliffe, M. & Broome, M. (in press). Existential phenomenology, psychiatric illness and the death of possibilities. In Cambridge Companion to Existentialism (ed. S. Crowell). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Broome, M. & Bortolotti, L. What's wrong with 'mental' disorders? Psychological Medicine 40(11): 1783-5.
Broome, M. R., Bortolotti, L. & Mameli, M. Moral Responsibility and Mental Illness: a case study. Cambridge Quarterly of Heathcare Ethics 19, 179-187
Owen, G. Panelist on Mentally Ill and Refusing Surgery, BBC Television.
Wykes, T & Callard, F: Diagnosis, diagnosis, diagnosis: Towards DSM-5. Journal of Mental Health, 19 (4): 301-304
Callard, F & Marguiles, DS: The Industrious Subject: Cognitive Neuroscience's Reevaluation of 'rest,' Cognitive Architecture: From bio-politics to noo-politics -- architecture and mind in the age of communication and information. Eds D. Hauptmann, W. Neidich, and A. K. Mustapha. Rotterdam.
Callard, F. Between Legislation and Bio-ethics: The Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine. Ethics in Psychiatry. Eds H. Helmchen & N. Sartorius. Springer.
Callard F & Papoulis, C. Affect and Embodiment. Memory: Histories, Theories, Debates. Eds S. Radstone & B Schwarz. New York: Fordham UP.
Papoulias C and Callard F. Biology's gift: interrogating the turn to affect. Body & Society 16(1): 29-56.
RAA Kanaan, When Doctors Deceive, American Journal of BioEthics 2009, 9(12), 1-2
RAA Kanaan, Truth-Telling in Psychiatry, Psychiatry 2009, 8(12), 471-2
RAA Kanaan, D Armstrong, SC Wessely, Limits to Truth-Telling: Neurologists' Communication in Conversion Disorder, Patient Education and Counseling 2009, 77(2), 296-301
RAA Kanaan, D Armstrong, P Barnes, SC Wessely, In the Psychiatrist's Chair: how Neurologists understand Conversion Disorder, Brain 2009, 132, 2889-96
Bortolotti, L. & Broome, M. (2009). The future of scientific psychiatry. In Psychiatry as cognitive neuroscience: philosophical perpsctives (ed. M. Broome and L. Bortolotti), pp. 365-375. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Broome, M. & Bortolotti, L. (2009). Mental illness as mental: in defence of psychological realism. Humana Mente, 25-43.
Broome, M. & Carel, H. (2009). The Ubiquity of Moods. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16, 267-271.
Harland, R., Antonova, E., Owen, G. S., Broome, M., Landau, S., Deeley, Q. & Murray, R. (2009). A study of psychiatrists' concepts of mental illness. Psychological Medicine 39, 967-76.
Deeley, Q: Cognitive style, spirituality, and religious understanding: the case of autism. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health
Broome, M & Carel H: The Ubiquity of Moods. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology
Stringaris, A. On Emotions that Last Longer. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology
Broome M. Bortolotti L (eds.): Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford, Oxford University Press
Broome, M: Philosophy as the Science of Values: South West NeoKantianism and Psychiatric Interviewing. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology
Bortolotti L, Broome MR: A role for ownership and authorship in the analysis of thought insertion. Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences
Owen G., Freyenhagen F., Richardson G. & Hotopf M. mental Capacity and Decisional Autinomy: an interdisciplinary challenge. Inqury 52,1 79-107
Ratcliffe M, Broome M: Psychiatric illness and the Death of possibilities, in Cambridge Companion to Existentialism. Edited by Crowell S. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Wilson S: Criminal Responisbility. Psychiatry 8, 473-475.
Broome, M. R. (2008). Philosophy as the Science of Values: South West NeoKantianism and Psychiatric Interviewing. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15, 107-116.
Broome, M. R. & McGuire, P. K. (2008). Imaging and delusions. In Persecutory delusions: assessment, theory and treatment (ed. D. Freeman, R. Bentall and P. A. Garety), pp. 281-301. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Harland R, Antonova E, Owen GS, Broome M, Landau S, Deeley Q, Murray R (2008) A study of psychiatrists’ concepts of mental illness. Psychological Medicine, advance on-line publication ; doi:10.1017/S0033291708004881
Owen, G. (2008). Karl Jasper’s methodological pluralism and its exclusion of philosophy. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology. 14(1), 67-70.
Bortolotti L, Broome M (2008) Delusional beliefs and reasoning giving. Philosophical Psychology 21:821-841.
Owen G.S (2008). Book review of ‘Neurophilosophy at work’. Psychological Medicine. 38, 1369-1370
Interviews with Dr Raj Persaud about phenomenology, schizophrenia and logic:
Wilson S, Adshead G (2008) When violence becomes a psychiatric symptom. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 15, 57-67.
Wilson S, Adshead G (2008) The tyranny of the bureaucrats. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 15, 75.
Owen G, Harland R. (2007). Taking Phenomenology Seriously: Schizophrenia Bulletin; 33(1):105-107
Beckford L, Broome MR (2007) Ethics and the payment of research subjects. Psychiatry 6:83-85.
Owen, G. S., Cutting, J., & David, A. S. (2007). Are people with schizophrenia more logical than healthy volunteers? British Journal of Psychiatry, 191(5): 453-454.
Bortolotti L, Broome MR (2007) If You Did Not Care, You Would Not Notice: Recognition and Estrangement in Psychopathology. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14:39-42.
Owen G.S (2007). Book review of ‘Reconceiving Schizophrenia’. Psychological Medicine. 37, 1667-1668.
Harland R. (2006). Why the Phenomenology Remains Foundational. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 13(3): 247-249
Fusar-Poli P, Broome MR, Fusar-Poli P, et al. (2006) Conceptual issues in psychiatric neuroimaging.[erratum appears in Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2007 Jan;20(1):107]. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 19:608-612.
Alex Linklater and Robert Harland. After Freud. Prospect Magazine June 2006
Broome MR: Taxonomy and Ontology in Psychiatry: A Survey of Recent Literature (2006) Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13:303-319.
Deeley Q (2006) ‘The Cognitive Anthropology of Belief’, in The Power of Belief, Eds. Halligan, P and Aylward, M. Oxford University Press
Birmingham L, Wilson S, Adshead G (2006) Prison medicine: ethics and equivalence. British Journal of Psychiatry 188, 4-6.
Wilson S (2006) Terrorist detainees - psychiatry or morals? Psychiatric Bulletin 30, 75.
Broome MR: (2005) Suffering and Eternal Recurrence of the Same: The Neuroscience, Psychopathology, and Philosophy of Time. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12:187-194
Fulford K, Broome M, Stanghellini G, et al (2005) Looking with both eyes open: fact and value in psychiatric diagnosis? World Psychiatry 4:78-86.
Deeley Q (2005) ‘Psychoanalysis is a Hybrid of Religion and Science’. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology Vol 12(4) 335-342.
Medford N, Sierra M, Baker D, David AS (2005) Understanding and treating depersonalisation disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 11: 92-100.
Bebbington PE, Broome MR (2004) Exploiting the interface between philosophy and psychiatry. International Review of Psychiatry 16:179-183
Broome MR (2004) The Rationality of Psychosis and Understanding the Deluded. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11:35-41
Harland R, Morgan C, Hutchinson G (2004). Phenomenology, science, and the anthropology of the self: a new model for the aetiology of psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry; 185: 361-362
Fulford K, Stanghellini G, Broome, MR (2004) What can philosophy do for psychiatry? World Psychiatry 3
Deeley PQ (2004) ‘The Religious Brain: Turning Ideas into Convictions’. Anthropology and Medicine. Vol 11(3) 245-267.
Owen G, Harland R, Antonova E, Broome M (2004) ‘Jasper's concept of primary delusion’. British Journal of Psychiatry 185, 77-78
Harland R, Owen G, Broome M. ‘Humanity and biology in psychiatry’ (2004). British Journal of Psychiatry 184, 363
Wilson S, Adshead G (2004) Criminal responsibility. Chapter 20 in Radden J (ed) The Philosophy of Psychiatry, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Owen G, Harland R, Tulloch A, Broome M. ‘Scientific Psychiatry?’ (2003) British Journal of Psychiatry 183, 564.
Deeley PQ (2003) ‘Social, Cognitive, and Neural Constraints on Subjectivity and Agency: Implications for Dissociative Identity Disorder’. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psycholog. Vol 10(2) 161-167.
Deeley PQ, and Bowker, JW. (2002). ‘Ritual’, in ‘God: A Brief History’, DK