About us
About us
The Maudsley Philosophy Group Trust is based at the Maudsley, London UK. It began in 2002 but continues a tradition of blending psychiatry and philosophy that dates back to the founders of the Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry.
The group started as a reading group inspired by the idea that psychiatry has a tendency to become “too clinical, too biological and too psychological” and requires a broad cultural and philosophical frame of reference to keep balance and maintain a full view of the human person.
Interests include the phenomenological basis of psychopathology and the different models of mental disorder prevalent in psychiatry (e.g. biological, psychological, sociological). The group has organised key conferences on psychiatry and philosophy, produced a unique Reader on phenomenological psychiatry, developed a questionnaire to probe the models of mental disorder that clinicians and other groups believe (and don't believe). More recently, it has developed an interest in the theme of power and personality.
The Trust organises regular seminars and lectures that bring together clinicians and researchers with philosophers, public intellectuals, and policy makers.
It also supports reading groups for the next generation of psychiatrists.
We drive at innovation and exchange in the areas of psychiatry and philosophy.
The Maudsley Philosophy Group is a registered charity in England and Wales (No 1120868). Donations to the Trust are welcomed - please contact us for details.